The Arid Lands Initiative partners have been working together since 2009 on a range of science projects to guide their shared priorities, and on-the-ground projects in support of their shared vision.
© Gordon L. Warrick/USFWS
The Arid Lands Initiative has been pursuing its goal of “developing and cooperatively implementing a coordinated strategy for the conservation of Washington’s arid lands, including shrub steppe, Palouse grasslands and those freshwater systems contained within the arid lands landscape.”
This required an initial investment in science and planning, to inform the partners’ shared priorities.
© Gordon L. Warrick/USFWS
The Arid Lands Initiative partners (and others working on conservation and resource management issues across the Columbia Plateau in Washington State) are using the ALI’s shared priorities to guide or inform their decisions. The use of these shared priorities helps align the on-the-ground projects carried out by each partner, and together these projects contribute to achieving the ALI’s vision of “a viable, well-connected systems of eastern Washington’s arid lands and related freshwater habitats.”